Monday, July 12, 2010

Algebra II Project: Equations & Graphs

Here are the steps to creating your equations for the project:
Step #1: Complete Yearly Budget (this will be the same for both jobs)
Step #2: Gather Job #1 Info
-How much do you make an hour?
-How many hours do you work per week?
-Example: $7.50 per hour *30 hours per week = $225 per week
Step #3: How much do you make per year (yearly salary)
-Example: $225 * 50 weeks = $11,250 per year
-For job #2, these steps will already be done for you because you know the yearly salary from your research
Step #4: Create Equation
M=yearly salary-yearly budget
B= debt/savings (debt will be a negative amount, savings will be a positive amount)
-Example: yearly budget = $60,360
M= $11,250 - $60,360 = -$49,110
Final Equation: y = -49,110x + 7,000

Here are the steps for adding the graphs to your PowerPoint:
Step #1: Create a new slide
Step #2: Change the layout to “Content with Caption”
Step #3: Click on the icon for “Insert Chart”
Step #4: Choose the Line Graphs “Line with Markers” (an Excel spreadsheet will pop up)
Step #5: Clear all default information
Step #6: Column A will be “x (years worked)”; Column B will be “y (total $ earned)”
Step #7: Choose x-values 0, 1, 2, 3,… & complete input-output table to find y-values (plug x value into equation to get y-value)  the graph will create itself
Step #8: Copy and Paste table into slide
Step #9: Repeat Steps for Job #2 and comparison of the 2 graphs
Step #10: When will you be able to pay off the house?
-Set equation equal to the price of the house; solve for x. This will tell you how many years it will take until you have paid off your house based on your yearly salary.

*If you get stuck, refer to the sample PowerPoint*

REMEMBER THAT YOU MUST HAVE YOUR POWERPOINT AND ESSAY EMAILED TO ME BY MIDNIGHT TONIGHT!!! ( ....and bring a printed hard-copy to class with you! :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Algebra II: More Project Resources

For your convenience, I have posted all the links you need from the project handout below so that you can just click on them or copy & paste them into your browser.

Resume Builder:

Dream Jobs:

America's Best Colleges 2010:

Dream Houses:
*You might need to enter in your contact information to see the results of your search...or you can search other sites on your own.

*For the Monthly Budget, you will need to research the different companies on your own...a Google search would be a good start....