Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Unit 3 Project Resources

Here are some helpful links for your project:

Printable Job Applications

Resume Builder:

Dream Jobs:

America's Best Colleges 2010:

Dream Houses:
*You might need to enter in your contact information to see the results of your search...or you can search other sites on your own.

*For the Monthly Budget, you will need to research the different companies on your own...a Google search would be a good start....



  1. hello how are you i gotta question when you say how many classes are needed t greaduate do you mean like 4moaths 4englishes 2sciences and stuff like that or like just passing grades

  2. yes, the first one...but are you talking about for the college requirements, or high school?

  3. Im talking about high school stuffstep 3 job 1

  4. ok...yes, then that's the information you'll need

  5. I am looking at the Brown University courses, and there bare courses for engineering, but I am majoring in Aeronautical Engineering. Is this a Problem? My email is BRaposa2007@gmail.com.Thanks , Ben Raposa. 4th hour.

  6. If you want to just list the general engineering courses, that's fine. Otherwise, you can find a school that has that specific program if you want. (Let me know that you got this reply...otherwise I'll just email you)

  7. I think I will just list the general engineering courses.Thanks for the help, Ben Raposa 4th hour.

  8. Do we need to find information about the city or town our dream house is located in?Thanks, Ben Raposa

  9. No...you really only need a picture, the property information, and how much your rent/mortgage payments will be each month, which can be found on the sites that I have listed...anything other than that is up to you.

    It's good to know that you're working so hard on your day off ! :)

  10. How are you MS.McCullough?I have a question.If I get a bachelors of music in music performance is music performance considered my major? Also when i go to find out about how much money i can make with my degree will I go by what it says for a bachelors degree or what it says for a masters?
    thank you
    Alexis Robinson

  11. Hi Alexis, I'm good! How are you? Yes, music performance would be your major and you would go by what it says for a bachelors. A bachelors is a 4 year degree, and a masters is what you get after you graduate with a bachelors. Let me know if you have anymore questions.

  12. thank you i am doing okay i am kinda sick from when i had to march at the football game without a jacket on Friday,but i am feeling pretty good.

  13. Hello, I was wondering if we have to fill out the job application for Job #1 or do we just leave it blank and list the other requirements?
    -Molly Plount

  14. Hi Molly! You can leave it blank...filling it out is optional

  15. The only description of hours I found for my first job was par time, evenings, weekends, holidays, and peak sales periods. Is this specific enough?Thank you, Ben Raposa. 4th hour.

  16. Yes, that's specific enough...but then you might want to include exactly how many hours you would want to work per week. That is what will help you find out how much you make per month so you can factor that into your monthly budget.

  17. I am not sure exactly what upkeep incluse. Can you please be more specific?
    Thank you, Ben Raposa 4th hour

  18. I'm not sure which part you're talking about, but I'm assuming you're talking about the dream house...but upkeep means what does it take to keep everything in working condition and looking nice. For example, painting, mowing the lawn, general repairs, etc. Let me know if this is what you were asking about.

  19. Yes that is what I was asking about. Thank you for your help. Ben Raposa 4th hour

  20. Ms.McCullough for the debt can i put how much it will cost me to go 2 college in the y=mx+b formula?
    Alexis R

  21. I don't want your debt to be too much at this point, so don't make it anymore than $10,000. More than likely, many of you will be getting some pretty nice scholarships, so the tuition price right now might not even be what you'll have to pay in real life:)

  22. ok but i am already broke just by subtracting my salary from my yearly budget..im glad we are just dreaming big because i would have a house but will be living with my parents even though i have one
    alexis r

  23. so if our first job doesnthave a printable application what do we do?

  24. You can either find one that does have a printable one, or if you're doing a PowerPoint, you can just copy and paste the link of the online application onto a slide so that we can see it during your presentation

  25. Miss.McCullough for a high school band director do you think it will be more reasonable for my salary to be $51,000 or $34,000 i researched and i got different answers every time. I did email my band director but hes not going to email me back until tomorrow,but right now i am trying to see which one would be better to use.When my band director emails me back i will put what ever he says,but i wanted to see what you thought.
    Alexis Robinson

  26. 34,000 is probably how much you would make just starting off, but for the sake of the project go ahead and go with the 51,000

  27. thank you so much...oh...i 4 got 2 ask how r u doing... how r u doing??
    alexis r

  28. Hi mrs.McCullough,
    I have a question. Are we putting EVERYTHING in the powerpoint? Do we need any printed items or hard copy's of anything?
    -Molly Plount

  29. I'm doing good...thanks for asking! I feel 100% again!

    And the only hard copy you'll need is your essay.

  30. This project makes no sense to me. i found a resume and it was like an example. do I bring in the example or what?? please email me your reply at aaronjparnell@gmail.com because if u reply this way i will see it faster. thanks, Aaron Parnell 4th period

  31. Thanks! And im glad to hear your better!

  32. im having trouble with the websites that u listed for the dream homes. like i just dont see any thing from step 4 that is on the website. Aaron Parnell--4th period

  33. so i have my application but i had 2 print in out because i could not download it 2 put in my power point.... is that ok???

  34. yes, that's fine...but if you want, you can just put the link on a slide too

  35. hey ms. mccullough, what all should be included on my poster?? Aaron Parnell--4th period

  36. Go through the project outline and make sure you have addressed each step...you might want to include some pictures, and you definitely need your graphs.

  37. i cant send the powerpint or report to you cuz my email say that your wcps email is invalid. what should i do?

  38. how do you make a spreadsheet in excel?

  39. idk how to make a graph in excel can you please help me???????

  40. About emailing: did you get that to work yet? (michellemccullough@wcps.org)

    About Excel: if you don't already know how to do it, it's too complicated to tell you how to do it through typing...you should have asked for help earlier...you can either do it by hand and give it to me separately or use "Paint" to draw it. Depending on the version of PowerPoint, you can insert a graph in the slide automatically by following the steps that I provided in the "ATTENTION! ATTENTION! ATTENTION!" post.
