Sunday, January 9, 2011

Homework: Week of January 10, 2011

Homework for all classes will be checked in on Friday, January 21, 2011 (because of the snow days and MLK day).

pp. 345-352 #s 1-4, 6-8; choose 4 parts from 9-15; 25-27

pp. 16-22 #s 1, 3, 4, 7, 12c, 13


  1. You're course 2, but don't worry about the homework until we get back to school.

  2. does this still apply because i do not recall u tellin us about this in class today!!! please let me know so i can b sure to do it tomorrow if it is still due on friday!

    lots of love,
    kendall palmer

  3. Don't worry about it tonight...we'll talk more about the assignment tomorrow since we lost 2 days...I'll probably just push the due date back.

  4. So, where do I get a book for this homework? (Alan Odom)

  5. I'll give you one tomorrow...I forgot you weren't there the day I handed out books. Also, do you remember your email address or should I send the invite for Lino-it to your mom's email?

  6. i dont knows if my email works so u can send it to my moms and mine, so i can try it. thx moms email is
    my email i think is

    i will get a book tomorrow

  7. Which problems did we not have to do since we covered them in class? Weren't they 1-4?
    -Victor Prez.

  8. I didn't eliminate any problems...I said you could definitely do 1-4 since we went through those topics in class...a lot of the stuff you've seen from Course 1, so try as much as you can.

  9. I think that you said we do not have to do 9-15 or 25-27. Is that right? (Alan Odom)

  10. I said that we haven't covered the material from 9-15, but at least attempt them because you should have seen similar problems from course 1...25-27 are reflection questions, so try those too.

  11. Where was the page that I was soposed to look at. And I need a little help with number 10. Just tell me how to start a. and i should be able to do the rest on my own

  12. It's under the December 2010 posts...there's one that says notes from the week of nov. 29, and then you can look through all the posts from that month because most of them are about the quadratic functions unit.

    #10 is just like the questions that you all were working on in class, for part a, it would be a good idea to start with plotting the given points...then you need to remember what you know about the direction of the graph and how you can tell if it points up or down (it should be in your notes)....let me know if you get stuck with the rest of them.

  13. when you say choose four parts, does that mean do the whole number or pick a letter out of that number?

  14. choose 4 of the letters from each question, only for problems 9-15

  15. im not getting it and i was wondering if you can help me when i get back to school tomorrow

  16. Can I please have an extension? I can have it in by monday. My brothers lung collapsed today and he is in the hospital and im here with him but he has too stay for two days. I have 1-4 already done though.

  17. Anonymous: Sure!

    Molly: I'm so sorry to hear that...I hope he's ok. Remember I'm just checking the homework in, and I will take the homework quiz for a grade, so you should be ok if you know how to do the problems that I select for the quiz.
